Today’s article “County office plaza renovations to come” reports

“At the Commissioners Meeting, which took place directly before the Election Board Meeting, the Commissioners approved a $125,575 contract with Greenfield Architects to ‘provide design and construction phase services for the exterior plaza on the Chestnut Street side of the County’s 150 North Queen Street Administration Building.’

“According to Construction Administrator Barry Garman, the purpose of the project will be to ‘provide a visually appealing, functional outdoor space for the north side of the building,’ as well as to define the building’s entrance, to provide a clear drop-off area for constables and deputies using the first floor District Judge’s Office, and to visually associate the area with the nearby Binn’s Park.”

WATCHDOG: This seems like a big price for designing and overseeing a relatively modest project. But what else would we expect from one of the High Group companies?

Let’s hope that what has again started out as a “modest project” will not escalate into something many times more expensive and inept, as did High’s management of the Convention Center design and the common metering of both convention center and hotel.

“At the Commissioners Meeting, which took place directly before the Election Board Meeting, the Commissioners approved a $125,575 contract with Greenfield Architects to ‘provide design and construction phase services for the exterior plaza on the Chestnut Street side of the County’s 150 North Queen Street Administration Building.’”“According to Construction Administrator Barry Garman, the purpose of the project will be to ‘provide a visually appealing, functional outdoor space for the north side of the building,’ as well as to define the building’s entrance, to provide a clear drop-off area for constables and deputies using the first floor District Judge’s Office, and to visually associate the area with the nearby Binn’s Park.
Updated: August 3, 2016 — 8:48 pm