An August 11 article “Group requests Council endorse single payer health care” reports:

“Several community members spoke in opposition to HB 1660 and SB 400, one of whom expressed concern that a mandatory 10% payroll tax would place too great a burden on business owners and result in fewer jobs. One man criticized the proposed legislated as unconstitutional: ‘There is no lawful authority in the State or Federal constitution (sic) to have the government involved in this program of insurance.'”

WATCHDOG: Current costs to employers/employees (studies indicate ultimately the employee bears most of the burden) indicate the cost of health care is running from 20% to 30% for most employees. So 10% would be a substantial reduction.

If the federal constitution doesn’t allow government involvement in programs of insurance, how come we have Medicare, which already provides government health care coverage for our elderly population?

Updated: August 3, 2016 — 8:40 pm