News Corp. FBI Probe Turns to Russia

USA TODAY: ….A Federal Bureau of Investigation probe into News Corp. has turned to a former Russian subsidiary, seeking to determine whether a billboard company called News Outdoor Russia paid bribes to local officials to approve sign placements in that country, according to people familiar with the case.

The investigation opens another legal front for the New York-based media conglomerate. News Corp. is trying to contain the damage from scandals over newsgathering tactics at its British newspapers unit, including admitted hacking into voice mails of people in the news and allegations of bribes paid to police and other officials.

As is often the case in foreign-corruption probes by the FBI, investigators are trying to establish whether any overseas units of News Corp. engaged in corrupt acts or bribery, and, if so, whether those acts were part of a pattern of corruption that reached across countries and business units, people familiar with the investigation said…  (more)

EDITOR:  To its credit, the Wall Street Journal, owned by News Corp, is carrying this revelation.  Will News Corp’s Fox News also cover the story?  As of this writing, there is yet no mention on its web site.
