USA TODAY: The 42-year-old Wisconsin congressman strode on stage at the Republican National Convention on Wednesday night to a cheering welcome as he accepted the party’s nomination as vice president and signaled the emergence of a more conservative, more combative generation of leaders who are reshaping the Republican Party.
Of course, it is the 65-year-old Romney who will be in the spotlight today at the convention’s closing night and during the two-month campaign that follows. The outcome in November will depend on voters’ judgment of him and President Obama, not on their running mates.
However, Ryan and the GOP “young guns” he helps lead, boosted by the Tea Party movement, are providing much of the energy in the grass-roots, the enthusiasm in the hall and the ideological stamp that has the GOP ticket playing offense on an issue such as Medicare, long seen by the party establishment as a snare certain to rebound to Democrats’ advantage… (more)