Newest dinosaur: The PC-osaurus

USA TODAY: …Driven by mobile demand, the traditional PC and its makers are fighting for survival. The latest threat comes from Google, which recently unveiled a sleek touch-screen laptop. Its futuristic Chromebook Pixel — with blazing fast 4G Internet and a massive 1 terabyte data storage locker in the cloud — simultaneously combines touch, mobile connectivity, remote data and free Microsoft Office-like services…

People want mobility, so Microsoft-powered PC products are competing against enormously popular smartphones and tablets for consumer dollars. Once leading the way, Dell, Hewlett-Packard and Microsoft now face a new world order led by Apple, Google, Samsung and even Amazon…

The past 10 years have seen U.S. consumer desktop sales shaved nearly in half, according to researcher Gartner. In that same period, laptop PCs have more than quadrupled in the U.S. But the past two years have been unkind to both desktops and laptops. Now, worldwide tablet sales are forecast to outpace both desktops and laptops in coming years, according to researcher Canalys… (more)
