New York Times Wipes Story Detailing Mitt Romney’s Attack On Obama

HUFFINGTON POST: … “We’ve had this consistent critique and narrative on Obama’s foreign policy, and we felt this was a situation that met our critique, that Obama really has been pretty weak in a number of ways on foreign policy, especially if you look at his dealings with the Arab Spring and its aftermath,” one of Mr. Romney’s senior advisers said on Wednesday. “I think the reality is that while there may be a difference of opinion regarding issues of timing, I think everyone stands behind the critique of the administration, which we believe has conducted its foreign policy in a feckless manner.”

The later version only included the second sentence, attributing not to a “senior adviser” but “one senior strategist, who asked not to be named.”

The Times also originally quoted “an adviser to the campaign who worked in the George W. Bush administration” who said that Romney “had forgotten the first rule in a crisis: don’t start talking before you understand what’s happening.” That anonymous Romney adviser, offering criticism of the candidate, is missing from the later version. …  (more)
