Columnist David Brooks states in Make Everybody Hurt”:

“…The foundation of this unwritten constitution has to be this principle: make everybody hurt. The cuts have to be spread more or less equitably among as many groups as possible. There will never be public acceptance if large sectors of society are excluded. Governor Walker’s program fails that test. It spares traditional Republican groups (even cops and firefighters). It is thus as unsustainable as the current tide of red ink.

“Moreover, the constitution must emphasize transparent evaluation. Over the past weeks, Governor Walker increased expenditures to pump up small business job creation and cut them on teacher benefits. That might be the right choice, but if voters are going to go along with choices such as these, there is going to have to be a credible evaluation process to explain why some things are cut and some things aren’t.”

WATCHDOG: A wag of the tail.  Brooks is an Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, RockefellerRepublican, a specie threatened today with extinction.

Updated: February 24, 2011 — 10:38 am