New York Times Co. Puts Boston Globe Up for Sale

BLOOMBERG:  New York Times Co. is formally exploring a sale of the Boston Globe, its only remaining business outside the core New York Times media brand…

Times Co., controlled by the Ochs-Sulzberger family, is coping with a difficult advertising market as spending on national campaigns continues to shrink industrywide. The publisher has sold other assets unrelated to the Times brand, getting rid of regional newspapers and within the past 13 months. ..

The company held $955 million in cash and short-term investments at the end of last year, largely as a result of its asset sales. In addition to the Boston Globe, the company still owns the International Herald Tribune, considered the European edition of the New York Times…   (more)

EDITOR:   We suggest the Times  offers a special issue of subordinated  stock that would be non transferable except for estates for a long duration, to be purchased by those interested in supporting this indispensable institution.  HOpefully the  Globe  will likewise  be purchased by public spirited interests for the purpose of maintaining its publication.
