An article reports “Poll: Just 29% Say U.S. Heading on Right Course” and continues:

“Just 29 percent of U.S. voters now say the country is heading in the right direction, the lowest level measured since early February, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

“The percentage of voters who felt the country is heading in the right direction remained in the narrow range of 31 percent to 35 percent from July to early November. For the previous three weeks, however, confidence in the country’s current course has held steady at 30 percent.

“The majority of voters (65 percent) continue to believe the nation is heading down the wrong track. The latest finding is up slightly from last week and has remained fairly consistent for months. In the weeks just prior to Barack Obama’s election, more than 80 percent of voters felt that way.

“This time last year, 17 percent said the country was heading in the right direction, while 77 percent said it was heading down the wrong track. Following Obama’s inauguration in January, voter confidence in the direction of the country began steadily increasing, peaking at 40 percent in early May. Since then voter confidence has steadily declined.”

WATCHDOG: With the Senate passing its version of the Health Care bill, perhaps things will begin to look up for President Barrack Obama.  A loss might have put a black cloud over his term of office.  He’s past his first test and certainly earned a vacation in Hawaii.

Updated: December 25, 2009 — 6:14 pm