A book review by Richard Berke of The Death of American virtue, Clinton vs. Starr” concludes:

“Even Kenneth Starr, dean at the Pepperdine University School of Law, who this week was named president of Baylor University, regrets that his office wound up as the authority investigating the Lewinsky matter. Recalling his emotions as he watched the impeachment proceedings on television, Starr told Gormley that he asked himself: ‘Why did all of this have to happen? Why did we get to where we are? This is all so unnecessary.’ More than a decade later, very few will disagree.”

WATCHDOG: A wag of the tail. We said so at the time and we still do. Give Arlen Specter credit as the only Republican senator to vote “Not guilty.”

Updated: February 22, 2010 — 8:08 am