In “A One-Term President?: The Choice”, Professor Emeritus Garry Wills opines: “I am told by people  I respect that Barack Obama cannot pull out of both Iraq and Afghanistan without becoming a one-term president…The charges from various quarters would be toxic—that he was weak, unpatriotic, sacrificing the sacrifices that have been made, betraying our dead, throwing away all former investments in lives and treasure…..These are the arguments that have kept us in losing efforts before.”

He concludes “Presidents who just kick the can down the road are easy to come by. Lost lives and limbs are not.”

WATCHDOG: This old dog is beginning to suspect that Obama may indeed be a one term president because he is alienating his base. As a candidate, he promised to reduce the nation’s military involvements and to bring cost reductions to health care. He is doing neither.

Obama voters from 2008 may vote for someone else in the 2012 primaries and sit on their hands come the general election if Obama is the candidate.

The military industrial complex and the health care industry are bleeding the nation to death with transfusions from China in the way of massive loans barely keeping us going. This is very sad. And what is likely to follow Obama may be even worse.

Updated: December 5, 2009 — 6:38 pm