New York AG: Wells Fargo, BofA Violated National Foreclosure Settlement

HUFFINGTON POST:  New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said Monday he may sue Wells Fargo and Bank of America for allegedly violating the terms of last year’s multi-state mortgage settlement, despite questions over his authority to do so.

The agreement, reached by the Department of Justice, Department of Housing and Urban Development and 49 state attorneys general, called for the five largest mortgage companies to significantly revamp their procedures for dealing with distressed borrowers. It called on them to provide billions of dollars in aid to those borrowers and change the way they pursue home repossessions, in exchange for prosecutors dropping legal claims that the companies systematically violated borrowers’ rights when using faulty, so-called “robosigned” documents in foreclosure proceedings…

Schneiderman said Monday his office has uncovered 339 alleged violations of the settlement’s terms, 210 concerning Wells Fargo and 129 concerning Bank of America. He said he intends to sue the banks for “repeatedly violating” the settlement if the monitoring committee of representatives from various federal and state agencies declines to take action…  (more)
