New state leadership cozy with gas firms

TIMES-TRIBUNE: … Days after his election Gov. Tom Corbett, who had accepted about $1 million in campaign contributions from drilling interests, condemned a moratorium that then-Gov. Ed Rendell had imposed on new drilling leases in state forests. But Mr. Corbett believed that Mr. Rendell had attempted to preclude drilling on 700,000 acres that already had been leased, when Mr. Rendell actually had taken off the table about 800,000 unleased acres. Scant difference – Mr. Corbett plans to lease that acreage as well.

Industry interests also were prominent on Mr. Corbett’s transition team – key advisers who shape policy.

Mr. Corbett has created a Cabinet-level position to coordinate all energy policy. He named as its director Patrick Henderson, a longtime aide to pro-industry Sen. Mary Jo White,who has opposed stronger environmental regulation of the industry… (more)
