The editorial “Dems ‘secretive health care talks” opens “When the United State Senate passed its version of health care legislation on Christmas Eve on a party line vote of 60 to 39, Sen. Mitch McConnell, the Republican leader, vowed that he and the Republican caucus would do all they can to stop it from becoming law.” It continues “Democrats have decided to go around the conference-committee process…” It concludes “Clearly, the strategy was employed to keep Republicans – and the American people – in the dark.”

WATCHDOG: This old dog cannot recall any issue being as long and as thoroughly studied and debated in Congress as this health care legislation. (Oh that we gave one-tenth as much time and effort to deciding about going to war!) The Republicans’ vote as a solid block to oppose the legislation suggests the pressure that was put on members of their caucus. This in turn made it necessary for the bill to be weakened considerably in order to gain the last two or three Democrat votes needed for passage. Republican intransigence enabled a Democrat and an Independent senator (from a state with major insurance company headquarters) to decide the near future of health care in this nation!

With the lack of cooperation witnessed to date from the Republicans and the above vow of obstructionism in the conference process and their pre-ordained 39 Republican votes against the reconciled proposal, praise should be given to the Democrats for recognizing that there is no point in protracting the process further, preventing Congress from moving on to other important matters.

With over 16% of our Gross Domestic Product going to health care, we Americans are paying at least half again more than other advanced industrial nations and are experiencing among the worst results.

The Watchdog does not believe the new legislation is going to do much to solve the cost and quality problems. The legislation is too short in cost curtailment, some of which the Republicans properly have sought and might have obtained through serious negotiations rather than partisan politics.

As opposed to doing nothing, at least the bill is an important step towards major reforms that must follow.

Updated: January 7, 2010 — 2:46 pm


  1. Do you suppose there’s ANY possibility that the Dems are hiding because they know damn well that when we the people find out in detail what they’re doing to us with this so-called health care “reform” bill, we will be very, very angry?

    And another thing. Is there ANY possibility that they’re in such a hurry to get it done so they can slip it past us before we get a chance to find out what’s really in it???

    It looks like we’re going to start paying big time NOW for alleged ‘benefits’ that don’t start until 2013!!!! Reid’s reelection is already in trouble. And Pelosi might well turn out to have been one of the shortest-tenured Speakers of the House in history, although I’m sure she’ll be reelected by the voters in her district.

    2010 may well see an unprecedented shift in the makeup of Congress. We can hope.

  2. I believe that the complete House version has been online for weeks.

    If you’ve cared to follow the reporting (which is often misleading, but which has been covering the various proposals) I think you’d have a very good idea of what’s in the Senate version.

    Now, if you drop the gun for a minute, I think you’ll agree that both Democrat and Republican citizens are getting royally hosed by this deal. Maybe some good will come of it, I don’t know, but let’s at least try to see what’s really going on here- the health insurance industry has been handed a big fat prize.

    Editor’s comment: No doubt about it!

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