In an editorial of July 10, the New Era states: “Some observers say hospitals should give Amish and Mennonites a substantial price break all their own…

“But Tom Beeman at LGH told the Wall Street Journal that Holmes’s request was unrealistic and unfair and simply would shift the burden of payment to all other hospital users…

“Why should one group be singled out for special treatment?”

WATCHDOG: Agreed that one group should not be singled out for special treatment. So why should the Amish be singled out to pay 75% or more of the phony inflated “charges”* that only the non-insured and partially insured are required to pay while the insurance companies, MediCare and MediAid pay only 50% of “charges” by Lancaster General Hospital’s own admission?

Speaking of insurance, this editorial is yet another example of the Big Five Mutual Protection Plan. (That’s F & M, Fulton, High, Lancaster General, and, of course, Lancaster Newspapers who cover each others’ back, no matter what.)

*Lancaster General is typical of hospitals in setting sky high prices for non-insured and the co-pay portion of those who are partially insured.

Updated: May 12, 2009 — 10:50 am