It’s editorial on July 2nd is headed “Philadelphia: Stop harassing Scouts”. It goes on to say “..the scouts’ freedom to limit membership has come at a price….Philadelphia ordered the Boy Scouts to abandon its policy on homosexuality and atheism or say goodbye to its low rent by the end of May…Meanwhile, programs that serve thousands of boys in desperate need of activities to keep them off the streets of Philadelphia remain in limbo.”

WATCHDOG: This is the type of unfortunate situation that can serve as a slippery slope leading to government funding discrimination. Would the New Era criticize Philadelphia for withdrawing its rent subsidy if the building was sub-let to the Nazi Party?

Law and practice is based on precedent, and making exception for the well intentioned can open the door wide for the ill disposed. The Watchdog suggests that the Boy Scouts either change the policy or raise some extra money for rent.

We love and support the Boy Scouts; but we also don’t want government subsidizing discrimination.

Updated: May 12, 2009 — 10:53 am