An editorial “Holder’s pointless probe of Bush CIA” makes two assertions:

(1) “And what of the higher ups? Officials in the Bush Justice Department? National Security Council members?  Vice President Dick Cheney? Bush, himself? Might they become a target of prosecutor Durham, too?”

(2) “Holder’s prosecutor…won’t be able to recreate the array of emotions Americans felt when they saw the planes strike the Twin Towers. Or when they saw the Pentagon burst into flames. Or when they saw the black hole in the ground in rural southwestern Pennsylvania.”

WATCHDOG: #1 Sounds like what many Republicans said when the Watergate investigation was started. Concerning #2, do the editors think Attorney General Eric Holder and Special Prosecutor John H. Durham weren’t adults eight years ago?

Part of the advantage of a republic is that government officials are supposed to be better informed, better educated, and more sophisticated than the public at large. Yes, and less likely to panic! Furthermore, officials take a sacred vow to uphold the laws and the Constitution.

Let’s give Holder and Special Durham time do their jobs and await their doing something wrong before we attack them.

Updated: September 11, 2009 — 8:25 pm