Its editorial “City school board overly generous” objects to the recently announced 2.4 percent increase for administrators and goes on to say “Last year pay raises for administrators averaged 3.66 percent (base plus merit pay). The year before that, the average hike was 3.11 percent….The school board should roll back the latest pay raises they awarded administrators, and replace them with a new figure—zero.”

WATCHDOG: A wag of the tail. Moreover, the New Era overlooks what NewsLanc has previously pointed out: The Consumer Price Index has dropped by 2.2% over the past twelve months. So in “real terms” (inflation / deflation corrected), the administrators’ increase is a whopping 4.6% in a year of economic devastation for the country.

Updated: September 5, 2009 — 11:54 am

1 Comment

  1. Once again the New Era expresses a negative opinion about educators/administrators within the public school system. This has been a decades-long crusade against teacher associations and the leaders of our schools.

    I wonder what kind of an increase Top Management received at LNP??????? John Burkholder, Schreiber, Shaw and Adams probably all got more than zero, I’m sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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