An editorial “Michael Vick’s return to the NFL” states:

“Vick, of course, deserves a second chance. He has served his time for his offense (which was not only bankrolling a dog ring but participating in the killing of under performing dogs). …Vick doesn’t need a second chance so much as forgiveness—for letting down his family and friends and sports fans, young and old—and that may be even harder to come by.”

WATCHDOG: Vick broke the law and it was right to send him to prison. Nevertheless, humans, especially males, are by instinct aggressive, something that society then works to control except when permissible in war and sports. Dog fighting is not culturally acceptable here in the USA, just as the laws prohibit cock fighting, which is legal elsewhere and culturally permissible to many Latinos among us who practice it in the shadows.

As for ‘putting down’ dogs bred to be vicious because they would make dangerous pets (as does the SPCA), there are people who kill a thousand animals a day who are solid citizens. They are butchers. Hamburger anybody?

Vick has our forgiveness, not that it matters. We can think of many things done right here in Lancaster that are far more detrimental to society by people who are treated as solid citizens and community leaders.

Updated: August 24, 2009 — 10:00 am

1 Comment

  1. I agree 100% Michael Vick has done his time for his crime. Why does everyone have to be so judge mental?
    Every one has done something at one time are another that they had to get forgiveness for.

    They want to condemn him but what about all the hate some of these people are showing? Is this good for their children to see? i see no difference in what he done than all the hate I see and hear on the Internet about Vick.

    This is really troubling when we are putting animals above humans… Don’t get me wrong. I have 5 dogs and love each and everyone of them. But I still would not put them above a living breathing person or teach my children all this hate. I teach them to love everyone and everything.

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