The Apirl 12 editorial reports “All three state senators in the Lancaster County delegation [Mike Brubaker, Lloyd Smucker and Mike Folmer] have voluntarily returned the 2.8 percent pay hike that took effect in December. Among state representatives, five of eight from here have done likewise. They are John Bear, Scott Boyd, Bryan Cutler, Gordon Denlinger and David Hickernell.  The remaining three representatives; Mike Sturla, Katie True and Tom Creighton; say they are donating the money to charity.”

WATCHDOG: Good legislators could often double their earnings outside of government.  So we don’t begrudge them a pay raise.  (Nor does the New Era.)

What should be done is reduce the number of representatives by half or more.  That would lead to both  savings and better results.

Updated: April 13, 2009 — 10:23 am