Editorial “Iconic star Lewis, MDA part ways” opines:  “[Jerry] Lewis’ departure from the MDA truly marks an end of an era for one of the world’s most beloved entertainers. …  That he is going out with a whimper, not a bang, surely is a disappointment to his still many fans and admirers.  The MDA should reconsider, and at least let Lewis make a farewell appearance at the vent that is so identified with his name.”

WATCHDOG: We share the New Era’s sentiments.  However, at 85, Lewis may be unsuitable  to do live television and too bitter to pre-film a “good-bye”, even if it were well scripted.

We recall almost falling off the sofa while watching Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis on early television.   But we also admire Lewis for his straight role in Martin Scorsese’s “King of Comedy”. Properly directed, he showed great potential as a dramatic actor.   He could really belt out a song too!

A wag of the tail!

Updated: August 13, 2011 — 8:25 am