An editorial “Union bosses’ big paychecks” scolds “Success at the bargaining table translate to success for union leaders, who are paid handsomely for their efforts.   It then goes on to say that Wendell W. Young IV, president of the 22,000 members United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1776 is paid $223,000  a year, which they contrast with the average union worker earning $30,000.”

WATCHDOG: A week ago the editors harrumphed about the average White House worker earning more than the average American worker, to wit we inquired whether the editors would prefer to have “average American workers” running the White House.

Now we suggest that their next expose be about how much more the editors and publisher at the Lancaster Newspapers make than their average workers.   Don’t hold your breath.


Updated: August 4, 2011 — 9:32 am