Editorial “Electronic tolls; Calif. Pot; bingo” states “A Reuters/IPsos poll this week found that voters oppose, 53 – 43 percent, a measure on the Nov. 2 ballot to legalize marijuana for recreational use.  Apparently the enthusiasm for legalization in Los Angeles and San Francisco isn’t translating to more conservative parts of the state.”

WATCHDOG: The New Era faithfully summarizes the Reuter article.

Just last week the California legislature passed an Act treating marijuana violations like a traffic ticket and limiting fines to $100.  The dramatic swing in the polling on Proposition 19 suggests that many believe that liberalization has gone far enough and desire some control over smoking of pot in public.

Supporters of Prop 19 can take pride  that their efforts and the initiative’s popularity helped bring about decriminalization, although not outright legalization.

Updated: October 11, 2010 — 10:29 am