In referring to the government announcing that it will “save” $1.5 billion in census cost in large part due to public cooperation,  the Editorial “Pa. Pensions; Census; ‘Boomer’” asks:

“How can you save something that wasn’t yours in the first place?” It goes on to say: “To add insult to injury, the ‘unused money’ will remain in the U S. Treasury until Congress determines how it will be spent.”

WATCHDOG: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary, Second Edition“Save:  (1) To rescue from danger… (2) To keep safe, intact, or unhurt…  (3) To keep from being lost…”

Note to New Era editor:  According to the Constitution, the legislative branch determines  how federal funds are to be used, not the executive branch.

Seems to us you coming in $1.5 below budget is neither an “insult” or an “injury” , but rather very good news. A wag of the tail for the Census Bureau!

Updated: August 16, 2010 — 9:17 am