Editorial “Stimulus run amock…” adds an item:   “Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky, served one term in Congress, representing suburban Philadelphia.  She was defeated for re-election, largely because of her vote for President Bill Clinton’s controversial 1993 budget proposal, for which she cast the deciding vote.”

WATCHDOG: The Clinton budget bill led to prosperity for the rest of the decade and her brave and selfless sacrifice was recognized by many of us at the time.  Yet that is small consolidation.

But now Margolies will have a supreme satisfaction known only to grandparents:  Her grandchildren will have representatives to Congress (her and her husband) and a former President of the United States and a  Secretary of State as grandparents, Bill and Hillary Clinton!  In her case, fate evened up.

Updated: August 9, 2010 — 9:38 am

1 Comment

  1. It is fanciful to call Clinton’s budget responsible for ‘prosperity’ as though the normal swings of the market place didn’t have something to do it with it. Government spending is NEVER the answers. NEVER.

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