In referring to California’s Proposition 19 which would legalize and tax the sale of marijuana, the editorial “… Legal pot…” cites  “a study by the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s Office in California.”

It then claims:  “While the study confirms the revenue-making potential of legalized pot, it suggests that any financial benefits could be tempered by how local governments choose to tax and regulate sales and distribution of pot, as well as how the federal government responds…  California voters, who will decide the issue in November, will have to ask themselves, ‘Is legalization worth it, if the financial gains are not so great?’”

WATCHDOG: What a bunch of double talk.   The source below, NORML  (National Organization for Reform of Marijuana Laws) is partisan, but the quotations from the report below are not.

One other note for the New Era editors:  The word is marijuana or cannabis, not “pot.” When you keep on talking about “pot”, your age and bias is showing.

California: Legislative Analyst’s Office Rejects Claims Of Prop. 19 Opponents

July 29, 2010 – Sacramento, CA, USA

NORML: Sacramento, CA: An independent analysis of Proposition 19, The Regulate, Control & Tax Cannabis Initiative of 2010, by the California Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) finds that the measure would not undermine workplace or highway safety standards, and would likely yield “hundreds of millions of dollars” in annual revenue.

The findings directly contradict ballot arguments against the measure, which claim that the proposal will not raise state tax revenue and “will make (California’s) highways, workplaces and communities less safe.”

According to the LAO report: “[T]he measure would not change existing laws that prohibit driving under the influence of drugs or that prohibit possessing marijuana on the grounds of elementary, middle, and high schools. … [E]mployers would retain existing rights to address consumption of marijuana that impairs an employee’s job performance.”

Regarding the measure’s proposed fiscal impact, the report states: “The measure could result in savings to the state and local governments by reducing the number of marijuana offenders incarcerated in state prisons and county jails, as well as the number placed under county probation or state parole supervision. These savings could reach several tens of millions of dollars annually.”

Authors further conclude: “The state and local governments could receive additional revenues from taxes, assessments, and fees from marijuana-related activities allowed under this measure. … To the extent that a commercial marijuana industry developed in the state, … we estimate that the state and local governments could eventually collect hundreds of millions of dollars annually in additional revenues.”

California voters will decide on the measure this November. According to the most recently released statewide poll on the measure, 52 percent of Californians support Prop. 19 while only 36 percent oppose it.

Updated: August 2, 2010 — 9:09 am


  1. Primarily, LNP demonstrates how out of touch with reality and backwards they are. Unfortunately it reflects how far behind the curve the Lancaster public is also.

    Was it WC Fields said? “When the world ends I want to be in Cincinnatti because it will take them ten years to catch up”. (or such)
    He should rather be in Lancaster – Will take 15 years to catch up.

  2. I personally have, do, and will continue to provide “pot” for those suffering illness who can’t find it. [Mostly because they are older and were too conservative to have connection]. In fact they may have previously judged pot based on media hype.

    Anyone who has ever “personally” witnessed the relief of extreme pain or nausea would have to think again [if a caring human].

    I have worked with those who already went the oxycotton route and recognized they did not want to be heroin/morphine addicts for the rest of their lives.

    It is amazing how our government and doctors would prefer sliding their patients into heroin addiction [oxy’s] instead of easing their pain with a natural “GOD GIVEN” herb.

    Is there anyone out there who doesn’t know which is worse still?

    Beware – you and your loved ones may fall to cancer and treatment. Then the pain will be real and personal – not just a subject for rumination.
    There is the paradigm shift that will force you to decide.

    Do I follow the law and let them suffer or do I help my loved one and do what is right by them in their dying days?

    I can live with my decision – can you?

  3. To say that it’s “natural” and “God Given” is completely empty and spurious. Then poison ivy is “God Given.” Hemlock is “God Given.” And everything else we’ve been able to manufacture is also “God Given” in a way: bullets, cocaine, cyanide.

  4. Bullets, cocaine, poison ivy, cyanide and pot.
    WOW – your associative mind is a half bubble off level.

    Consider taking a bullet to the head or a cyanide cap as compared to smoking pot and feeling great relief? Your logic is twisted and tainted with ignorance and attitude! You should work for the government in policy perhaps – or do you already?

    Are you saying it is unnatural – brought by aliens or manufactured?

    If God did not give it to us then who did? Are you saying it came from Satan directly?

    You certainly have the choice to die in wrangling pain with your attitude and to watch your loved ones suffer due to your ignorance.

    The attitude you express is a byproduct of the “spurious and empty lies” you have been fed and obviously never questioned.
    Bless you and your attitude my friend.

    Let me guess – never inhaled did you?

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