Editorial “WAMs escape chopping block” observes:  “An analysis by the Associated Press found that, since 2008, ranking-and-file [Pennsylvania] lawmakers – Republicans and Democrats – have requested more than $200 million in WAMs  [‘Walking Around Money’], taxpayer money that goes towards pet projects in their home districts… Lawmakers insist WAMs fund, for the most part, worthwhile projects – playgrounds, Little League ball fields, police and fire equipment, senior center and library needs…”

It concludes “The governor and lawmakers should bring transparency to WAMs – or do away with them all together.”

WATCHDOG: A wag of the tail.   Now when will the Intelligencer Journal and the New Era editorialize for transparency concerning how ‘Public Charity’  Lancaster General Health spends its fabulous  profits  which are extracted from the community in large part due to market dominence?

Updated: July 15, 2010 — 10:18 am

1 Comment

  1. Are you KIDDING me? The Lancaster New Era is saying to do AWAY with WAMS?

    Keep in mind that the newspaper (LNP) is the primary beneficiary of the millions and millions of WAM money that is known as the Lancaster County Convention Center! Without the WAM, that white elephant never would have been created.

    This is like the drunk, with liquor on his breath and a bottle in his hand, lecturing about the dangers of alcohol.

    The financial hard times of LNP can’t alone be explained by the economy and the changing medium. They have zero credibility with the public because of their ethical lapses.

    On the soon coming tombstone of LNP will be written this epitaph: “They sold their soul for 30 pieces of silver”

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