Editorial “Davis-Bacon a drag on economy” points out “The David-Bacon Act of 1931 requires all workers on  federal projects worth more than $2,000 to be paid the ‘prevailing wage,’ typically the local union wage.  But In most cities, Davis-Bacon wages bear no resemblance to prevailing wages…

“Davis -Bacon also has a racist component:  The act makes it very difficult for minority, open-shop contractors to employ and train unskilled minority workers.  There is simply no incentive to hire the unskilled worker, give that he or she must be paid the same wage as the skilled worker….”

WATCHDOG: A wag of the tail.  David-Bacon adds at least 10%, and perhaps as much as 15%,  to the cost of public subsidized projects, a transfer from taxpayers to otherwise well paid construction workers.

Given the year of its passage, 1931, and the South’s control over the Senate then, it is clear that Davis-Bacon was not meant to be the friend of African-Americans.  Nor is it their friend today.

Updated: May 18, 2010 — 10:28 am