New Delhi Women Offer Female-Only Cab Service, Try To Stay Safe In India’s ‘Rape Capital’

HUFFINGTON POST:  …The service, called Cabs for Women by Women, is small, but since the rape, its popularity has increased steadily, Public Radio International reports…

“When I’m on the road driving our cab, I feel very proud, because this is a cab service for women, and I’m a woman,” [driver Shanti Sharma] said. “Our work is supporting the women of Delhi. We’re giving them safety.” …

Women who work for the service are not necessarily embraced by the male-dominated industry, the Seattle Globalist notes. Male drivers stare as women slide behind their wheels. In addition, risks abound for both passengers and drivers. In fact, every driver trained by the Sakha Consulting Wing also takes self-defense classes offered by the police department, the Globalist reports… (more)
