Never mind how streetcars failed elsewhere…

For those that never heard a presentation about streetcars from the Mayor or someone from the Planning Commission or someone from the Trolley Car Group, WE IN LANCASTER COUNTY ARE DIFFERENT. Our convention center will make money in the long run for the city, school district and the county. Our convention center will attract only the best of the best and to ease all the traffic congestion from ALL the attractions in and around the city, to help move the people faster, we need this Trolley Car.

Even though our trolley car is only going to run from Vine up Queen to the railroad station, over to Prince and down to Vine, it will make 16 very important stops.  For all the people coming to Lancaster via train, they will just grab a trolley to the Marriott.  For those that drive in, they can park in the outlying areas and take the trolley to the ball park, music academy, Fulton and other attractions without getting into a traffic jam.  Our trolley car will relieve the parking problem.

I may sound sarcastic my friends and I am…
