Netanyahu Wants to Attack Iran ‘Before US Elections’

NEWSMAX: … [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu]  believes President Barack Obama would have no choice but to back the Israeli decision in the weeks before he has to face the nation at the polls, according to a report in the Times of Israel.

Ben-David is military reporter for Israel’s Channel 10 News and has been given extensive access to the country’s air force in its preparation for a potential attack on Tehran, said the Times.

The paper said President Shimon Peres, top generals, the intelligence community, opposition leader Saul Mofaz, “and of course the Americans” were all opposed to an attack on Iran…  (more)

EDITOR:  To discourage Netanyahu from taking such reckless action on the assumption that the Obama administration would have to support Israel out of concern about losing the Jewish vote, Mitt Romney should join Jewish leaders in calling  irresponsible a future  attack on Iran .
