Neglect of Southern End Will Close Down Center City After 5:00 PM

Ages ago my brother, an attorney, forewarned me that during the Convention Center Authority meetings, those in control DO NOT HAVE TO TALK, DEBATE OR ANSWER questions, they have the war won. I disagreed but guess what, he was right.

Here we are today, still going to these stupid meetings, for what? It is going to be built, it is going to be a cesspool of taxpayer dollars going into the pockets of the Haves. And the Middle Class taxpayer will be paying the tab as usual.

I will continue to ask questions in my own text but will never let the Powers forget what they have done. I will forever remember the meeting where Mike Sturla and Gib Armstrong were sitting behind me talking away and laughing at those at the microphone, their arrogant answer to me when I asked them to take their conversation in the hall so we could hear, Dale High telling me to get a life, these people will get their due.

Lancaster County will always support the City and we are fortunate to be getting the New Jersey and Philadelphia city goers to move into the City. My concern is the outlying southern end that will just get worse and hinder the possible nightlife of the Fulton or any possibility of future growth of nightlife. As time goes on safety after 5:00 PM will become a very big issue.

My goal is to continue to monitor the Commissioners. They may taken High money for campaign but they will get exposed. At a past meeting, Chris asked each one of them if they had accepted donations from High and all three admitted doing so. I believe that was the start.
