Navy to challenge Chinese claims in South China Sea

USA TODAY: …Plans to send a warship through the contested space in the vicinity of the Spratly Islands have been rumored since May, but three Pentagon officials who spoke to Navy Times on background to discuss future operations say Navy officials believe approval of the mission is imminent.

If approved, it would be the first time since 2012 that the Navy has directly challenged China’s claims to the islands’ territorial limits.

The land reclamation projects in the islands have been the focus of increasing tensions between China and United States along with its regional allies, including the Philippines, since reports of the project began surfacing in 2013. However, the U.S. and other nations have disputed the legitimacy of the islands built by China in what is viewed as an act of regional aggression… (more)

EDITOR: This has to be done. We need to show support to those various nations with interests in the South China Sea. Japan, Korea, Singapore, Viet Nam, Thailand, Indonesia and possibly the Philippines will be essential allies for counter balancing the growing power of China over future decades.


1 Comment

  1. Why is this any of our business? Why are we trying to contain China? I think we should leave China alone.

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