Natural gas extraction tax dead for rest of year

PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE-REVIEW:   Lawmakers won’t consider taxing natural gas extracted from Marcellus shale before the 2009-10 session ends next month, but supporters and opponents predict it will become an issue when the next governor and Legislature take office in January.

Democratic Gov. Ed Rendell, who pushed for the tax, on Thursday declared it dead for the rest of this year. The Republican-controlled Senate won’t return to vote on bills after the Nov. 2 election, leaders say.

Whether the idea gains momentum next year depends in large part on which political party controls the House and whom voters choose to replace Rendell; Republican candidate Tom Corbett opposes a tax and Democrat Dan Onorato supports one…  (more)

EDITOR’S COMMENT:  Seems like our legislators don’t want to compromise a source of major political contributions.  This is a disgrace, especially at a time of such great needs and scarce governmental revenue.
