NATO’s new ‘spearhead’ force aims to reassure allies

USA TODAY: NATO’s new quick reaction force approved Friday is designed to deter the kind of Russian aggression that the military alliance says has occurred in Ukraine. Yet it is not intended to defend Ukraine from a new assault by Russian-backed separatists in the east.

The NATO force is being created in response to the turmoil in Ukraine, which NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen has called a Russian invasion. It’s primary goal is to reassure and protect NATO members that are former Soviet republics along Russia’s border. They include the tiny Baltic states of Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia, which all have sizable Russian ethnic minorities and fear they could be next in line for Russian meddling…

Set up to deploy within a couple of days, it will be supported by special operations forces, which Lt. Gen. Marshall Bradley Webb of the U.S. Air Force described as “rapidly deployable, agile” units that can be activated “at a moment’s notice.” Webb is NATO’s Special Operations commander… (more)

EDITOR: This is language that thuggish Vladimir Putin understands.
