Muslim Brotherhood and military will square off in Egypt

WASHINGTON POST:  The initial round of Egypt’s first free presidential election in modern history has delivered a stark choice for next month’s runoff: a conservative Islamist vs. a former air force commander with deep ties to the man whose ouster precipitated this week’s vote…

The Brotherhood’s candidate, Mohammed Morsi, has vowed to impose broader application of Islamic law. Ahmed Shafiq, who served as prime minister before Hosni Mubarak was toppled from the presidency in the 2011 revolution, campaigned as a secular leader who will thwart the rise of political Islam and restore security.

The choice leaves a large section of Egyptian society feeling disenfranchised and stunned, particularly because neither finalist was regarded as a champion of last year’s popular revolt…  (more)

EDITOR:  We ‘shopped’ four prominent news sites before settling on the above account which doesn’t just report but also best explains what has occurred.  Surprisingly, none treated the election as a lead story.  Yet this may be the most important election of the year, including the one here in the USA.  The Middle-East is the proverbial ‘tinder box’ and Egypt plays a critical role in its future.

