MSNBC host Joe Scarborough: Iraq ‘Made Fools of Us All’

NEWSMAX: …Former President George W. Bush and former Vice President Dick Cheney “committed the original sin, the great sin of going into Iraq,” Scarborough said. But he said Obama also shared the blame for the country’s current strife.

“I think history will show, terrible decisions made by this administration, as well, as a contributing factor [of] what’s going on in the Middle East,” he said.

“We can tell people you’re not allowed to talk because you got it wrong in 2003, or you got it wrong in 2007, or you got it wrong in 2011. Or, we can do what [California Democratic Sen.] Dianne Feinstein and other people are doing and say, ‘We’ve got to come together, and we’ve got to figure out how to do this right,'” he said… (more)

EDITOR: President Obama played the hand he was dealt. He was prepared to leave some troops in Iraq but al Maliki refused to provide the normal legal protection for our forces.

Moreover al Maliki refused to meaningfully include the Sunnis in his government. What could be done about it? We can’t preach democracy and then disregard the process.
