An article titled “‘Three Cups of Tea’ advice for Obama” reports “Nonprofit activist Greg Mortenson, co-author of the 2006 international best-seller ‘Three Cups of Tea,’ knows firsthand about the challenges of nation-building in Afghanistan, and he’s got some advice for the Obama administration: Open your ears more to the locals, or risk shooting yourselves in the boots.”

It continues “In interviews this week, Mortenson, 51, the former K-2 mountain climber-turned-philanthropist whose nonprofit Central Asia Institute has established 130 schools and promoted girls’ education in rural Afghanistan and Pakistan, urged the U.S. to include input from Afghani tribal elders in the Pentagon’s expanded military effort in the region, or risk failure.”

WATCHDOG: A wag of the tail.  Well worth reading.

Updated: December 8, 2009 — 1:43 pm