Move this country to the functional middle.

Do you consider yourself a moderate?  Do you long to speak to the vast middle of American political thought but you cannot find them?  They appear to be silent.  Or worse have they given up.  What are you to do?  Your only wish is for good government and an opportunity to work with others for the common good at home and abroad.

I know you are not alone.  This is your democratic republic.  It needs you.  Our political system can and will be responsive if we engage with it.  Fringe politics and special interest money do not have to lead the way.  Join a political party.  Make it your own.  Move this country to the functional middle.



  1. Enlighten us. Just what is the middle?

  2. I am a social progressive AND a fiscal conservative. Conservatives call me a liberal (like it’s a bad word), and liberals call me a conservative. Does that qualify me to be a part of the “functional middle”?

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