More re street car display

[Parking the street car on the pubic property] needs to be questioned. If so, then everyone should have the same accessibility to that lot, if in need.

Mayor Gray should be asked these questions: Was there a request, to whom and for what amount of rent to the city. Who put it there? Was there any city monies used to prepare or move this on? A city resident needs to ask these questions at a council meeting.

Unfortunately it is probably going to be another project like West Side with LGH and F & M, the convention center, and, of late, the Norfolk Southern relocation. All these projects have been tacitly approved and funded behind closed doors and made public after the fact.

We duped taxpayers are constantly herded into the project AFTER it has been a DONE DEAL thinking there still is a chance to have a fair an open meeting. Bull Crap!

We are absolutely not different from any other area in this country except that we do not have citizens that want to speak up, get involved and rock the boat. Those that do are considered crazy or trouble makers, while the mayor and commissioners continue to support their pet projects without any consideration to the taxpayers having to pick up the tab.
