More re Harrisburg Pike proposed improvements

There is a group of citizens who have recently found the grant submitted by the County appointed group for highway money in Lancaster County to be flawed and to misrepresent the facts.

When they tore it apart, there is a  lot of City involvement not disclosed as the Public Works director has a free meal ticket to do anything she wants, does not even take it to city council.

Also hidden in that grant request was about 3 million for the expansion of the bridge on Harrisburg Pike as well as road ways that Manheim  Twp. requested be met BEFORE the Crossings [Shopping Center]  could go forward.

Who appointed that group and why is [Mayor] Gray allowing Ms. K. to do as she pleases for F & M
and not even having consideration for the homeowners?

There is an accountability problem everywhere.  The sad part is that no body jumps on board until it affects them or is their back yard.
