More medians on Harrisburg Pike?

A discussion of sections of Harrisburg Pike that could benefit from “non-traversable medians” is listed in the recently-released Harrisburg Pike Transportation and Land Use Study. In the same paragraph in which the recently-installed median between Race Ave. and College Ave. is touted as a “good example” of the use of medians for traffic control are several other suggested locations “where this type of treatment may be warranted.”

These locations include “select areas from Prince Street to College Avenue where left-turn access is not needed”, from Good Drive to Rohrerstown Road “where an existing 5-lane section exists” and from Rohrerstown Road to State Road, “depending on how land development occurs.”

I am familiar with the stretch from Prince Street to College Avenue, and the expression “select areas” suggests that there may be more than one median built along here. My question is why, when the 5-year Crash Report in this same Harrisburg Pike Transportation Study shows zero accidents on Harrisburg Pike between Prince Street and College Avenue?

In the above quoted paragraph from the Harrisburg Pike Study, Race Avenue is incorrectly called “Race Street.” This obvious error does little to give a citizen confidence in the Lancaster County Planning Commission and the task force that did this study. How qualified are these officials? Are there certified traffic engineers among them?

Maybe they should go slow on this median idea. After all the money spent just a few years ago on medians on Liberty Street, those are slated to be demolished and the street leveled. Talk about the waste of tax money! It doesn’t matter if it was gotten as a grant – it’s still our money.
