More fathers than mothers say they aren’t spending enough time with their kids

WASHINGTON POST: …Far more fathers say they feel they aren’t spending enough time with their children: 46 percent, compared with 23 percent of mothers. Although fathers’ time with children has tripled since 1965, fathers still spend only about half as much time with their children, on average, as do mothers. The Pew Research report found that fathers are also less likely than mothers to think that they’re doing a good job as a parent.

Time-use studies have found that fathers have been gradually increasing time spent on children and chores.

Being home more may have made fathers feel closer to their children — and more conflicted about the amount of time spent away from them, said Kim Parker, associate director with the Pew Research Social and Demographic Trends Project. She and other researchers wrote the report after analyzing a recent survey of 2,500 adults and nearly 50 years of time-use data from the Labor Department’s American Time Use Survey and other reports…  (more)



  1. Example of feminist impact. The new woman is not happy or intending to be “tied down by children”.

    She wants to own them after the divorce and collect for them but,
    Life is all about her, her and then there’s her.

    Clearly in America women are much more important and entitled than children.
    We at DJ refer to this phenomenon as “Throwing the children under the bus.. for the feminist agenda”.

    Thank God for the regular child loving dedicated moms who still hold steady to the idea of being a mom as paramount and put their children first.

    So now dads are willing and capable to dedicate their lives to their children. Will the courts allow them access? NO!

  2. Shush Ben, With talk like that your going to become a poster boy for the democratic party’s “war on women” and get a lecture from Sandra Fluke.

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