More F & M spin?

The $44,655 that F&M College says it spends annually on Buchanan Park is misleading. It is not money out-of-pocket and it does not cover all maintenance. This figure represents scholarship money that F&M gives to one or two students whose responsibilities are limited to mowing the grass. In addition, F&M’s Maintenance Department empties the trash barrels.

Everything else is done by the City: the trimming, removal and planting of trees as well as the maintenance of the playground and all other buildings and structures in the Park. The Loyalty Day Committee uses the proceeds of its annual Buchanan Park/Loyalty Day Festival to maintain the war monuments in the Park. In addition, they have provided picnic tables, constructed a flag pole with patio, improved the restrooms and financed the fence around the wading pool. The City Parks Department in cooperation with Stevens School of Technology is currently restoring the historic Liberty Bond Building in the Park. The Men’s Garden Club maintains the Rose Garden.

It is apparent from the poor condition of the turf that F&M is not doing any fertilization or weed control. There are many bare spots because the mower is set too low during hot, dry periods in the summer. F&M maintains its football practice field between Race Avenue and Harrisburg Pike to a much higher standard than it does Buchanan Park.

Undoubtedly, the City would be ahead financially if the Mayor asked F&M to give the total amount it owes to the City and returned the responsibility for the mowing and trash removal to the City Parks Department, as was done in the past. Even if the City had to contract for the work, the City could put the job out for bids and could most likely get a bid under F&M’s $44,655 for the same amount of work.

On the College’s website, F&M takes credit for maintaining the Park, giving the impression that F&M is doing the complete job. This is simply not true.
