Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, and the party of Ayn Rand

THE HILL Op Ed: … The Republican press will champion the arrival of Ryan as the promised land of a second coming of a conservative majority while the Democratic press will chortle at running against someone whom they will paint as the disaster that will destroy Romney. They are both wrong.

What is really happening is that voters hunger and thirst for answers to problems that will make their lives better. And now the choice is between a status quo they do not like (Obama) and a change they do not want (Romney).

I give Romney credit for having the courage (for the first time I can remember) to make a choice about what he stands for. I give Romney credit for repositioning himself as a true candidate of (the wrong) change. But: The Republicans are now the party of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich. They combine the operational godfather of vulture capitalism, Mitt Romney, with the intellectual strategist of vulture capitalism, Paul Ryan…  (more)
