Mitt Romney: Jeb bush would run into trouble due to business dealings

POLITICO: …While some people close to [Mitt] Romney insist he hasn’t moved from saying he has no plans to run, the 2012 Republican nominee has sounded at least open to the idea in recent conversations, according to more than a dozen people who’ve spoken with him in the past month.

In his private musings, Romney has sounded less than upbeat about most of the potential candidates in the 2016 Republican field, according to the people who’ve spoken with him, all of whom asked for anonymity in order to speak freely

He has assessed various people’s strengths and weaknesses dispassionately, wearing what one ally called his “consultant cap” to measure the field. He has said, among other things, that Jeb Bush, the former Florida governor, would run into problems because of his business dealings, his work with the investment banks Lehman Brothers and Barclays, and his private equity investments. … (more)

EDITOR: If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck… it probably is a duck. We consider Mitt Romney the front runner at this point in time not only for the Republican nomination but as the likely next president.
