Mitt Romney 2011 Tax Return To Be Released By October 15, Ed Gillespie Says

USA TODAY / REUTERS:   Republican U.S. presidential challenger Mitt Romney plans to make public his 2011 tax return by Oct. 15, a senior campaign adviser said on Sunday, as President Barack Obama’s re-election team pressed its criticism of Romney’s decision not to disclose more about his personal taxes.

Romney, a former private equity executive who is one of the richest men ever to run for president, has come under pressure for months from the Obama campaign to release more years of tax returns.

He has released his 2010 tax return and estimates for 2011 but does not plan to reveal more years of returns. In April, he requested an extension from the Internal Revenue Service to file his 2011 tax forms, while estimating his tax liability at $3.2 million for last year…  (more)

EDITOR: The issue isn’t his payment of taxes recently but what he did in the past!
