Militants attack Iraq’s largest oil refinery

USA TODAY: Iraq’s largest oil refinery is under attack from Sunni militants on Wednesday and may largely be controlled by insurgents, according to unnamed security sources and refinery employees who spoke to the Reuters news agency.

“The militants have managed to break in to the refinery. Now they are in control of the production units, administration building and four watch towers. This is 75% of the refinery,” an official speaking from inside the refinery told Reuters. It was not clear why the official spoke on the condition of anonymity.

On Tuesday, the Baiji refinery was shut down and foreign workers were evacuated as Iraq security forces prepared for a siege of the compound by insurgents. The sprawling facility is situated about 50 miles north of Tikrit… (more)

EDITOR: The partitioning of Iraq along ethic lines continues. This may lead to a permanent solution. It has been proposed for many years. If this is what the people want, perhaps so be it. In the long run, a portion of Iraq may be annexed to a portion of Syria and a new Sunni nation come to be.
