In “A reason for Palin to run”, Columnist Leonard Pitts tells Sarah Palin “…you represent the latest iteration of an anti-intellectualism that periodically rises in the American character. ..More to the point, something is wrong when we celebrate mental mediocrity like yours under the misapprehension that competence or, God forbid, ‘intelligence’ makes a person one of those ‘elites’ – that’s a curse word now – lacking authenticity, compassion and common sense.”

WATCHDOG: Pitts has a point.  But it does not help to explain why persons who are highly educated share many of Palin’s outlooks, even at times when there exists an unassailable body of facts to the contrary.

David Brooks, columnist of the New York Times, is planning to write a book on the human thought process and NewsLanc will soon be reporting his thoughts in the first of a series on this matter of vital concern.    This old dog spent twenty years and a fortune getting the media and public to replace myths with facts concerning drugs.  So this is a subject close to home.

Updated: February 14, 2010 — 12:00 pm

1 Comment

  1. Once again the liberal left lashes out at anyone / anything that is contrary to their idealogy…..Since they have nothing to defend the current administration/Congress.

    I was under the obviously misguided impression that in years past the Sunday News was supposed to be ‘neutral’ in its’ political views……it is becoming more and more liberal in its style and editorials. I shudder to think what would happen if Gil Smartypants were ever to ascend to the throne.

    By the way….the daily paper should drop the misnomer New Era from the front page banner……….it no longer remotely looks like the old afternoon paper (especially the Sports section); and they could save the salaries of how many different editors????

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