Mexico: Burned bodies likely of 43 missing students

USA TODAY: The 43 students missing for more than six weeks are believed dead after charred human remains were fished from a river and its banks, Mexico’s attorney general said Friday.

Extracting DNA will be incredibly difficult after the bodies and other evidence was burned for the better part of a day prior to being tossed in the water, Attorney General Jesús Murillo Karam said at a press conference, adding many of the victims’ teeth had “turned to powder.”…

The announcement came after confessions by members of the Guerreros Unidos cartel accused of burning the victims’ bodies using gasoline, kindling and tires to keep the fire going, Murillo Karam said. Municipal police handed over the students — some dead, some unconscious — to the gang after a Sept. 26 attack in Iguala, in the southern state of Guerrero, he said… (more)

EDITOR: It doesn’t take much to bring out the Nazis in people.
